quiet while the dragon sleeps
308 words

Ares was just wondering how long the rustling would go on before whatever pup it was that he smelled would introduce herself, when the expected voice broke out across the silence. A very friendly, very excited sounding voice. It was sort of weird to see a puppy so little - to think the he had been that little, when he and Princess had ran away! It seemed a lifetime ago, and it sort of was. Buttface didn't exist any more. Only Ares, now. A new life. This kid was cute, he remembered her vaguely as one of the ones that had shown up at the meeting a little while back. One of Savina's, then. A pretty little girl, that he now knew the name for: Amata. "Well hello there, Amata! My name is Ares Chance."

He nosed the rabbit towards her. In the eyes of the world, it was a selfless gesture, but a little kernel inside him acknowledged the act as a very subtle form of boasting. He was so good at hunting, so amazing at it, that he could just toss aside a rabbit like this to a puppy, if she wanted it. Yeah, Ares was just that sort of guy. But his motivation, whatever it was, didn't make the gesture any less kind in and of itself. Cheerful words accompanied the nudging: "Want any?" The lanky adolescent had chewed off a good portion of the hind quarter, but there was still plenty of tasty meat clinging to the skeleton, and sweet marrow hiding in the bones themselves if you had the patience to work it out from the crunchy flimsy rabbit frame. He didn't usually bother on rabbits, but once with Princess he had found an old, mostly discarded and mostly consumed corpse of a fawn, and that had certainly contained marrow worth digging for!

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