only a gun at his side
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    The gray coyote had detected a strange scent at the border, one she did not immediately recognize. She was patrolling the borders for just such a thing, though she was aware it wasn't her job. Molochai's arrival had brightened her demeanor immensely, and she found herself eagerly scoping out at least part of the borders almost daily, wondering who else was lurking out there. Perhaps her return to Inferni had given it's call to the blood more power than it had before. Maybe more of her children would slowly filter back in as they had last time; the grayscale hybrid was hopeful, but she did not recognize this scent. It did not mean it could be ignored, however, and she altered her course, angling toward the source of the scent.

    Just beyond the border she found a coyote, dressed in human garb and playing with a rather dangerous-looking knife. She stopped a few feet away from him, quite familiar with this process. This time, it would be quite different from what she was used to, however—this canine's connection to Gabriel meant most of the formalities could be skipped. She didn't know that yet, and looked him over as she would any other canine of unknown origin, that raptor eye wandering over Eli almost lazily, though she sized him up, calculating his worth by physical appearance. He was not starving, and he appeared in very good condition—a good sign already. There was a brief, pleased look on her face, and she nodded to him. "Looking for something?" It was relatively clear the coyote was in a suspended state, waiting for something. A home would be her first guess.


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