if you get old fashioned with me
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She was here to talk to Ember.

Four white paws stepped daintily over an assortment of brush and fallen debris, the unshifted wolfess making her way past the border and into the territory. She had been given permission to come to Aniwaya whenever she liked when Ember had crossed into her lands to gather the horses that she had wanted. Naniko had no interest in the herd or in learning how to ride a horse; at that time, several different wolves' bodies had been in various states of disrepair, and she, as a healer, had been quite busy. Too busy to be worried about training horses.

Now, though, her days were filled with a lot of nothing. She was no longer the leader of Crimson Dreams, having been kicked out of the pack for endangering darling Cambria's life...so now she was seeking out one of the only family members who probably did not know of her shame. She was still getting over everything, and was still very bitter toward the new leaders of her old pack. She needed to know who she could count on to try and help her and who she couldn't count on.

The pale female's jade eyes drifted slowly over her surroundings, almost lazily as she attempted to locate her younger sibling. Ember had to be around here somewhere, and it was just a matter of time until she found her or someone who knew where she was. She had heard that her sister was very devoted to her tribe, a change from the way that Naniko remembered Ember to be. Now Ember wasn't being reckless, picking fights with wolves much bigger and stronger than she was. She had learned. Naniko knew about almost all of those fights, as she had been the one to stitch the girl up and baby her afterwards.

The sight of the male sitting amongst the grasses made her falter and then stop completely, unsure if she ought to continue. He looked busy, and she wasn't looking to disturb anyone. "Uh...hey."


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