hysterical confession, my big courageous move
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v515/ ... banner.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
WC: 400+

It was so easy to concentrate in the silence of the lake front. The only sounds where so natural and peaceful. The random 'woosh' of the breeze, the melodic singing of the birds, the rumble of the waves followed rhythmically by the 'glub glub' of it being kicked into rewind. Yep, nature was at its best in early summer. Jazper had flipped the old wooden row boat over. Since his meeting with Ares he had managed to bring a second boat to the lake, it was slightly larger and made of a flimsy metal. However, work had to be done on the wooden row before he would fix up the larger of the two. He rubbed a medium sized rock against the wood. The warrior had discovered that if he rubbed a flat rock against the wood, the wood eventually wore down becoming more even. In time with the waves he moved the rock over the rough parts of the wood. The boat was looking much better, all he had to do was finish getting the wood smooth and then it was just a matter of cutting a few pieces to stick in the holes and then painting it over.

His ears perked rapidly at the piercing call. Savina. The rock fell from his hand absentmindedly as he flung himself to his feet just in time for Anu's voice to join the call. His insides shook at the sound as he ran as fast as his two legs could carry him and straight into the sorrowful scene in front of the mansion. He walked up to the group silently, his brow lowered over his bright yellow eyes as he watched Savina and Anu's pained faces. His right hand slid to the black leather belt that hung to his hips. His large hand lay on the red handle of his hunting knife as he urged his leaders with his mind. If someone had caused them grief he would deal with it in a matter of seconds. A small whimper snapped his hand away as he caught sight of little Amata hiding behind her uncle. Quietly he walked over and smiled weakly at Ehno as stood beside his pack mate, hopefully helping the pup's anxiety. He looked around at everyone for the first time. He had recently met their new members Ares and Flayra. He nodded curtly in their direction before smiling reassuringly over at Brooklyn. He hoped to the havens that the news wouldn't be as urgent as he was feeling.


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