I Know This Familiar Place
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Ehno nodded. "Sì, giusto come una famiglia." In that way, the clouds reminded him of Crimson Dreams. The whole pack was like one big family. Maybe those angry, thunderous clouds weren’t so lonely after all. Perhaps they just longed to make new friends. Or simply make a lot of noise.

The girl then asked a question that he held no answer for—the very question he had come here himself to answer. Amber gaze drifted about the room for a moment, as if it could easily find the answer the wolves sought. When no answer jumped out at him, Ehno returned his attention to his niece. "Non sono realmente sicuro che l'hanno costruito per. Per prendere il vento, forse, ma non so perché vorrebbero a." It was an assumption he made from the sight of the old windmill’s blades trying to spin on windy days. "Sono sicuro che qualcosa può dirci qui dentro perché." He grinned and nodded once more as the pup asked about his own habits of building things. "Certo. La mostrerò quando lei ama. Lei può aiutarmi anche se lei vuole a. Come ciò sembra?" The chocolate hued male was always happy to share his tasks with any that showed interest. Amata was still too small to work on anything too major, but Ehno would be able to find something for her to help him with, if she so desired. He had done the same with Naniko’s children before they could shift.

His cream-coloured niece squirmed with excitement when he revealed his dream wish. He laughed, nuzzling her back just as affectionately. He was happy to hear that she would like to play with the clouds in dreams as well. "Possiamo giocare con le nuvole insieme poi. Penso che ciò amerebbero." One of those softer, far away rolls of thunder sounded a moment later, as if in agreement.

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