thorns and roses

The pup watched curiously as the man reached down and looked like he would pick one of the roses but then seemed to think better of it and pulled his hand away. Were the roses what had hurt him? She had never heard of anyone getting hurt by a flower, but she supposed it was possible. Maybe they stung like bees stung. Cambria hadn't ever gotten stung, but her parents had warned her about the insects. As he once again assured her that she had saved his life and been very brave a smile grew on her face. She had never ever been called brave before! "Wells I glad I could help yous!" Wow, she had actually helped someone! It felt good! Her tail waved a little faster, happy that he was okay and that she had been complimented.

Though when the man suddenly frowned her own expression mirrored his. Uh oh, what was wrong now? Was his finger hurting again? Though when he explained that he was looking for his niece Noir the Marino pup instantly perked back up. "Noir?! I knows Noir! She is my fwiends, yes she is!" Oh yes, she liked Noir very very much. She was so nice and liked all the same things that Cambria liked best. "I's Cambreeah, by tha ways." Oh, but he needed to get to where Noir lived. It was the tribe with the funny name, but where was it exactly? Her momma had taken her there once, which way had they traveled? The little girl scrunched up her face, trying to remember. "Uhhh, I tink is dat ways," she said pointing west with her paw. Or at least that's what she remembered. "I's not sures tho. I's only been dere once." And she hadn't gone on her own, her mother had carried her.


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