catch the mist, catch the myth

For once, the adults seemed like they didn't want to tell her what something was. That was strange, why wouldn't they explain to her what snow was? They didn't seem upset or like they didn't want to talk about it like Jefferson seemed with his kids. She pursed her lips together for a moment, trying to think of a reason they were being so mysterious about this snow stuff. Then something dawned on her and her face lit up again. "Is it a surprises!?" That must be it! They didn't want to tell her what it was because whenever she found out what it was it was going to be a surprise. That made her want to know even more though! Cambria would try to be good though, and not ask anymore questions about snow, even though that was going to be hard.

Thankfully the conversation brought up something else to distract her. The prospect of meeting another puppy was exciting! Oh...but then she remembered the boy Conor who had come that day and said she wasn't pretty. Maybe meeting this Addison wasn't such a good idea. "Is...she nice?" If Jefferson's adopted daughter was nice then there would be no problem. "If she is, I would likes dat vewy much." Meeting new people could be a bit of a challenge for the shy girl, but as long as they were nice it was easy. At least she imagined it would be, she didn't have much experience to go on. The only people she really knew were part of the pack, and she had known them her whole life. She had met a few of her parent's friends, like Mr. Jefferson, but that was different. If they knew her parents then in her mind they were okay. It was the complete strangers that made her wary.


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