because I have been through hell
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These elders Vigilante spoke of certainly were mixed up. Trying to harness a vigilante to work for them and them alone? Why, that went against everything that they were meant to do. They weren't supposed to have any loyalties to any one group. They were supposed to be devoted to the cause of justice, striking at criminals everywhere. "Hmph. Then they should have trained soldiers. Soldiers are meant to follow orders and be loyal. Not vigilantes." It boggled his mind. Had those old coots even known what the word meant? "Sounds like they need to study dictionary. They have gotten confused on what some words mean." Soldiers were the ones that were meant to protect a particular pack or nation. That's what they were trained to do. They were a part of society. Vigilantes were not. They did not follow society's rules and codes. They made their own, ones that followed the cause of justice better.

Onus couldn't say exactly why he felt the need to do what he did. Something in him that one night so long ago had clicked and from then on this had been his existence. His only reason for living. He had no family, no friends. What better creature to serve justice than one that had no one? "It is my purpose in life. Live for no other reason." Now that wasn't entirely true, not anymore. Now he did have someone else to live for. Someone he loved. But serving his cause was still his life. Whenever he wasn't with her, he was what he had always been. "Evil cannot go unpunished. Justice must be served. Without justice there is chaos and darkness." And the world could not be allowed to fall into such a state of disarray. At least he would not let it.


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