quiet while the dragon sleeps
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The young girl wagged her tail, the creamy appendage rustling the grass noisily behind her. She smiled up at the boy. But when he introduced himself in turn, the wagging of her tail faltered and little frown tugged at her little mouth. Why was his name, or part of his name, familiar to her? Her head cocked to the side as if she were contemplating something of great worth. His name shouldn’t be, the young pup reasoned, because she had never met him before—well, not really. She remembered seeing him at the scary pack meeting, but maybe she was just letting that get confused with the name part. So, satisfied with that logic, the little pup continued to smile. "Hi, Air-es," she said again, her blue and green eyes watching him cheerfully. She didn’t play with many boy puppies often, except for Gotham, that was, but he was her brother. "Did you come here with your mamma and dadda," the little girl asked. She did not think that he was related to her or the other adults that she had met in her pack. Maybe he came here with his family.

When he offered her some of the rabbit, the girl nodded vigorously. "Yeah! I woulds!" And he tossed it in her direction. "Thank you!" she said as she rolled around in the grass, only to return immediately. She took several large bites, or at least bites that seemed very large for her, from the meat that was very fresh. The rabbit tasted very good, and so she told him so. "This tastes very good," she said after she swallowed, knowing that it would not be very polite to talk with her mouth full of meat. "Did you catches it all by yourself?" It seemed very amazing to the little, creamy girl. She was not yet old enough or fast enough to kill her own food yet. Chasing rabbits was still a game that she played with her siblings sometimes. Amata took several more bites, tearing at it as she made yummy noises, like growling.


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