Generation to generation
“Oh, it was quite the weapon for Man's Dark Ages and I'm sure many wolves have used them before for such a purpose. I liked archery, myself.” Mostly because he wasn't much of a fighter, but that wasn't to say that he couldn't do some harm with a bow. “It does take some practice, but you look like you could master that thing in time. They're not hard once you learn how to get the aiming down,” he continued on with a friendly smile.

The passing thought that there was someone who was an archer among their wolfish ranks (disregarding pack, of course) was a pleasant thing to dote on… unless of course she was some crazy wolf who shot at passer-bys. Then it would have been an entirely different story. Studying the bow once more, it also dawned on Valentine that he hadn't even introduced himself. Then again, it wasn't too out of the common to approach a stranger conversationally, was it?

“I guess I've forgotten my manners a bit, but I'm Valentine Valiant, from Jaded Shadows.” Including both fore and surnames seemed proper too, because he knew he was speaking to someone who was much older than he and obviously more than likely deserved utmost respect. Of course, which was ironic, given who his mother was and how often she had blatant disregard for manners.

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