come to my window, i'll sing you to sleep.
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Haha, he is cute. The horn scared him! Smile By the way, your table is sooooo pretty!

The pup had begun to gain more confidence in her new home, the troubles of the past slipping more and more from her mind with each passing day, and the joys of being young and curious helping her gain more experience in her new life. She had not readily ventured far from her meeting area with Enigma and Gabriel, but as she gazed to the sky with her small auburn orbs, it appeared that even though it was not sunny out, today was the first day that it was not going to rain. Elation coursed through her tiny body as she introduced a little bounce in her step. Feeling in high spirits, she decided that she would use this day to be a little more bold, and a little more curious than a young coyote already is, and explore.

Lifting her cinnamon muzzle to the cloudy sky, she closed her eyes and breathed in deeply, trying to pick an interesting smell from the plethora that this new land offered. Suddenly, something piqued her interest. She had never smelled it before, but the scent was sweet, rotten, and new all at the same time. Curiosity consuming her, she set her four, small, clumsy paws in the direction of the interest. Scenting that it was fairly close, she had no fears about returning to a safe place before bed time after her exploration.

As she traipsed forward, her wounded leg seemed to be feeling better, even without any more attention then a few licks to it, it seemed that the damage was nothing worse than leaving her limping for a few days. She was, however, famished, and was curious how she was going to find her next meal. There had not been many times where her family had the time to show her how to fend for herself, but there was always a meal brought to her paws when she was hungry. Frowning slightly, she kept moving forward, determined to find some new excitement out of the caves.

The scent soon became overpowering, and while she did not understand it, it seemed to be coming from the entire area in front of her. The closer she got to the hills the stronger the scent was. Confused, she closed in on a small heap, sniffing deeply and investigating. The entire area just seemed to be mounds of dirt and rubbish. Rats zipped from hides to holes, and birds nearly the size of her swooped over-head. Cowering slightly as one swooped too closely, she then growled. She wasn't going to let these flying creatures boss her around- she had found this place too, and she was going to enjoy it. Glancing around keenly, she crouched and crept forward slightly, trying to remember how she played with her kin, sneaking up and pouncing on them. This time, however, she was going to use these tactics on the rats in attempt to catch one for dinner.

Spying a medium sized, but well fed, rat, her eyes widened even more, and she became as flat as she could. Not being able to hold her composure for long, she sprang forward at the rodent with tremendous force for her size and landed where it had been sitting and CRASH! She not only landed on no rat, but a large piece of sheet metal half covered in dirt which had dislodged upon her landing, making a very loud commotion. Groaning, she sat up and shook off, looking around for the vanished rat which had no doubt scurried very quickly away.


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