don't know if the world will end today.
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No problem at all. :] Truth be told, I only have a vague idea myself. xD-

    The hybrid was glad Inferni had these caves. There were several of them, and they were far more complicated underneath the ground than they appeared. There were several small, secretive tunnels that connected several of the larger systems, which were hopelessly complicated to anyone who couldn't see well in the dark and didn't know their way around already. If it was ever absolutely necessary, the hybrid canine was certain they could retreat into the furthest depths of the cave system and hide out until whatever threat passed. It would be easy to defend themselves there; with just two coyotes they could block off enemies from entering a central sort of room with just one doorway. It was the funneling system; regardless of how many attacked them, they could stand there all day and dispatch them, two at a time, resting their coyotes as needed.

    The coyote heard noises, and turned her head, peering into the dimly lit underground with one searing gold-yellow eye. She inhaled, but the still, stale air of the caves offered only the faintest breeze of fresh air from the entrance. There was an unfamiliar coyote in the air, though Kae would never be able to pinpoint her location. She headed toward the entrance, weaving and meandering her way through the cave system until she came to the main vein through it, heading steadily toward the exit until the young coyote came into her view. They were headed right for each other, and Kaena lifted her tail, peering forward to look at the young coyote before her. She was very young, and she seemed to be mostly coyote—though until her features totally developed, one could never be absolutely certain.

    The grizzled woman halted, nodding her head toward the young one. "Hey there," she said, friendliness creeping into her tone. She had never been fond of children until she had her own, but mother's love knew no bounds, and it overflowed from her progeny and made her more fond in general of children. Even so, it hadn't stopped her from hurting ones who didn't know the ways of the world before, and even killing one in the throes of war. Despite that, this young Inferni coyote had nothing to worry about—she smelled strongly of Gabriel and Enigma, and Kaena wagged the sable tip of her friendly tail.

    As she looked over the young coyote, Kaena realized she was very, very young—at least seven months younger than a year, if not more. She had the typical gold and gray fur of a coyote, hinted with swaths of brown and paler gold, almost tan coloration on her underside. The young coyote seemed rather thin and in poor shape, as if a good, hot meal and a few weeks of rest would make her blossom—she appeared even younger than her three months of age. The grizzled canine peered over at the youth, wondering what she'd already been through in her short life. Kaena had experienced quite a bit of trauma and pain from almost the very start of her life, interspersed with brief periods of tranquility which always seemed to end violently. Whenever she found happiness, there was always someone there to take it away from her.


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