These killing lights won't kill us all again
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Haven couldn't help but laugh at Heath's statement that he didn't want to be a saint. No, the scrawny hybrid was most definitely not saint material. "Yeah, I can't really imagine that. I don't think I'd recognize you if you started trying to act all righteous," he said chuckling softly. "But co-existing is easier than I think you think it is." True, he might not exactly be the most social creature out there, but he wouldn't have been looking for him if he didn't enjoy his company either. He may have an easier time being a loner than some, but their species was a social one. They were drawn to live together. Eventually Heath would feel that pull, though whether it would be sooner or later was impossible to say.

The idea that Svara had been pleasant to anyone upon first meeting them was a little hard to believe, but perhaps Heath was more "her type" of person. "No, we don't have two, I don't think the world could handle two Svaras, much less one pack. She just can be...a bit of a chore sometimes." Haven had to stifle another laugh when Heath suggested that she liked him. "If she liked you, you'd know. Not exactly shy about her wants, that one." He was sure if Svara was interested in someone she would have no problem letting them know it.

"Us? We're his Royal Court. I'm the Majordomo and the Knight. Everyone has their own titles and duties to carry out. I'm mostly concerned with keeping everyone safe." He was also supposed to be a sort of ambassador, but he hadn't seen any need to carry out those duties yet. The youth wasn't sure if he would be welcome near Inferni since Siobhan had left there to be with him. His mothers ran Crimson Dreams. There was no thread of violence breaking out between Cour des Miracles and any other pack, not that he knew of anyway. Jade eyes saw that slight change in his smile when Haven spoke of Ruri. That intrigued him, though he still held back any questions. "Yeah, she's special." He had a soft spot for the blind girl, she had been there for him when he had needed it.

"He kind of found me actually. I was walking through the Shiloh Hills and came across a herd of them. I had an apple in my hand and while I was looking at the majority of them he came up behind me and started eating the apple. I brought him back and he's been here with me ever since."


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