Monster at your door

Svara smiled gently as Cwmfen gave her the usual common sense spout. "Well if I did that I wouldn't be me now would I?" Svara let a cheerful grin slip onto her features, only showing how much happier she was these days. "Can't say you don't love me the way I am Cwmfen." The red she wolf said it with a chuckle. Now that the haku thing was no longer the subject of their conversation she was in a much better mood. Of course the two would never really be friends. Svara knew that they would always have a mistrust between them. The red hued girl had hers after Cwmfens reaction that day so many months ago, and Cwmfens was her loyalty to Dahlia de mai. There wasn't much they could be but enemies.

"Cwmfen my pack are the misfits of these lands. You shouldn't act as if you understand things that are not part of your life. I certianly don't try to understand war and it's ethics." The red she wolf said her smile leaving her lips and her yellow eyes looking away. Anger sparked in her chest with the womens continued words. Cwmfen had no right to be putting her nose in what wasn't her buisness. Svara had never wanted to make what had happened between her and Haku her packs problem. Of course it was only expected the pack wouldn't want him on their lands after what had happened, regardless of it happening before the packs formation.

Letting hard yellow orbs shift to the women Svara looked down her nose at the sable women. "You shouldn't stick your nose where it doesn't belong Cwmfen. What happened between me and Haku is between me and him. I have no intention of continued conflict between me and him. Even so he is not welcome on Cour Des miracles lands I only came to make sure someone would make him aware of this." Svara was tired of having this women think she was after a battle with Haku. It wasn't like the red female didn't know she had stared the fight between her and him. It really didnt matter now.

Letting haku finally fall completely from their talking Svara wasn't to pleased with the next person brought up. A sneer formed over her features at the name of the women. "Alexy doesn't know her tail from her nose." Svara said with a jealous grumble. Of course as self contious as she was Svara didn't like being around other healers. It was amazing she had been able to take Hanna for as long as she had. "You should be more careful who you entrust your childs life to....and for that matter your own." The red she wolf said with a grumpy tone. It was amazing how bi-polar she was.


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