Monster at your door
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!! out of character.


Svara leaned back and let the smile stay on her face. The she wolf looked away as Cwmfen spoke. Didn't recognize her? Had she changed so much? Here she felt like she was walking in circles with her life. Pushing a hand through her hair a rough sigh eased passed her maw. "Maybe then you didn't ever really know me." The girl said a slight tilt of the lips as she gave the sable women a glance. Had Cwmfen ever really known her? Maybe Svara had only seen what she wanted to see.

The red she wolf snorted. "I can no more control their free will then I can lightning." Svara said with a bored expression. "They are my family Cwmfen, and weather or not it was before the pack was formed or not family will stand beside each other till the last breath has left their bodies. If that isn't so then they aren't family." The gril stretched and let her eyes drift shut slightly. Did Cwmfen not understand love? It was something Svara had been wondering about for sometime now. She herself had a dulled version of it her whole life. Even so she knew what she had now was true love.

A soft smile came onto the young she wolfs face as she looked back at the adonis. "Can you imagin the passion you would feel protecting someone you love, Cwmfen?" Letting the rare smile leave her face she diverted her attention somewhere else. The women probably wouldn't get it. She would think that it was so simple when in all reality nothing was simple. What haku had done would never just be between her and him, because others were hurt by his actions, and that is the way of the world. Touch one person and it effects millions.

The mention of Alexy only made her mood turn sour. She really didn't like that girl. Not ever since she had met her when Firefly had been giving birth. "Do what ever you want. It's your spawn." Svara said her tone bored and revealing no hint of her irritation. She was starting to get good at hiding her anger. Of course she wasn't able to hide her confusion. Why was she here? The red female had to think about it for a moment. Had she really come back so she could see the land? A small smile lifted her lips as she looked down at the ground. "Even a tainted soul can feel sorrow." She murrmured lightly.


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