I Know This Familiar Place
http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g210/ ... otable.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
Funky post is funky. >.< 500+

His thoughts hovered briefly over the nice family of clouds before contemplating whether the humans may have attempted to play with huge puffs of moisture. "Forse hanno fatto." He nodded in agreement. "Forse hanno pensato che se hanno preso il vento, potrebbero salire in volo con le nuvole." What else could they possibly want the wind for? They could try to use the wind to propel those giant planes of theirs, like the wrecked one he had examined months ago in the northern part of the pack territory. It seemed like an odd idea, but he couldn’t come up with any other explanation, as he had yet to determine just how that huge jet had managed to move through the air in the first place. It was another mystery to solve, just as the purpose of the windmill was. The mysteries needed to be solved one at a time though, so he focused on the one in front of him.

"Oh, non so," he said, glancing around once more. What could possibly give them the answer they were searching for? He focused on one of the old stone walls a few meters away from where they sat. Just past the corner of the wall the edge of an old and dusty mechanism could be spotted. Tilting his head in its direction, he said, "C'è forse del segreto laggiù per noi trovare." There were hidden passageways throughout the mansion, so it didn’t seem so far fetched to Ehno that they may have created something similar here in the windmill. He smirked, this thought further portraying the humans as a complicated species in his mind. They created such strange objects and buildings and they always seemed to have something to keep hidden away as a precious secret. It seemed like so much of a hassle, Ehno sometimes wondered why they would even bother. Though he did gain a slight understanding of their ways the more he tinkered around with carpentry. It was a fun, relaxing, and engrossing activity despite the work involved. In that way, he understood their behavior just a little bit. He smiled at his niece’s enthusiasm to help him. "Buono. Lo non vedo l'ora di, poi."

That endless puppy-energy seized her once more as she leapt up and took a hold of his ear again. He laughed and played along, a happy growl of his own rumbling in his chest. He swatted the girl lightly with one paw and stuck his tongue out in a playful manner. Ehno let his gaze drift over to the small entrance at her suggestion, studying the falling rain outside. It seemed that the worst of the storm had travelled off with the thunderous clouds, as the rainfall had slowed to a much calmer drizzle. He supposed there would be no harm in going out for a short time, at least. "Sicuro, potremmo giocare fuori se lei amerebbe." He was content to follow the young girl’s whim for now, whether that took him outside into the rain or farther into the rickety and dusty windmill.

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