Underneath the skin

Although most of Cercelee’s explanations seemed to elude the boy, the complements she paid him struck home. Cercelee guessed that Conor did not fully understand why Cercelee knew him to be both smart and strong, but he did not deny them and seemed to cheer up. His own words were sugary, turning the attention back to her rather to himself, and the Rosea smiled down at the Papaver, her tail thumping softly against the ground. “Thank you for such kind words. I am only smart because of all I have been through, everyday I become smarter, learn new lessons. You will too, and because I can teach you everything I know and you can learn new lessons on your own, you will be smarter than I one day.” She knew that the next generation always benefited from their older one, if they tried. It was the way of nature, for one pair to make themselves again, a better and more fit to survive version of themselves. It was the purpose of reproduction, not just to keep going, but to make better beings.

Cercelee looked down at the boy, his soft violet eyes that came from somewhere unknown. Neither Haku nor Firefly had eyes like that, nor any of the relatives Cercelee could imagine, though she could think of that many. “You have very pretty eyes too Conor, no one else has eyes just like you. Don’t you think that is special?” Too many had her eyes, perhaps not the exact shade and tone, the icy waters of the north, but Ceres Sadira’s genes ran strong and many varying shades of blue ran rampant through their lines, it was not rare to see blue eyes set in a white face lurking these parts.


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