A dog's life

The young woman ran her claws through her dark, wavy mane, nodding slowly as she listened to his explanation about his siblings. She ran their names through her mind. Leroy, Lyle, and Leland. The L boys, she thought to herself. Then out of curiosity, she tried all their names together. Leroy, Lyle, Leland, and Lysander. Very nice, very nice indeed. She wondered what their family was like. Then she wondered what he was like. He seemed nice enough now, but what would he be like in the future? She looked up at him with teal eyes, trying to figure him out without actually asking him any questions. A hard task, indeed.

Asariel started and stared up at him when he mentioned children. "Ch-children? No, I have none. I want them, though, some day in the future." She smiled, then mulled over another question to ask. There were so many, but so few. "Where did you and your brothers come from? Or were all born here?"


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