These killing lights won't kill us all again
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Wow. I didn't realize the whole "coexisting" thing was talking about their dads. Erin fail. Oh well, just going to leave it XD

Haven wasn't exactly sure why he had said that. He didn't think he really believed it himself. After all, he hadn't seen hide nor hair of his own father anywhere and assumed the man had moved on to someplace else. Someplace where his crimes weren't known, no doubt. But he wasn't going to complain about that. If Conri Church was gone then good riddance. The world and everyone in it was better off without him. "Yeah..." It was all the boy could think to say. Forgetting would be the best for both of them, though Haven doubted he could ever truly forget it all.

The pumpkin hued male laughed at Heath's sarcastic comment. "Well, I suppose you would certainly think that, yes." Not that he necessarily disagreed, but it wasn't entirely true. Ruri was definitely a good one and she wasn't the chore that Svara was. Siobhan either. Svara wasn't bad, but she wasn't exactly "good" either. Though Haven almost choked when he was asked if Svara liked him. "Me? You serious? I'm so not her type. Nor is she mine for that matter. Besides, I'm not exactly available." He couldn't keep the smug little grin off his face as he spoke that last sentence. No, he was far from being single. He and Sio weren't mates yet, but that was definitely the direction they were going in.

Heath might not have been able to recognize what his voice betrayed, but Haven certainly did. Or he had a good idea. Well and well, was his friend softening up even more than he had thought? Was he actually letting a girl sneak her way into his heart? He still held his tongue on the matter, but let the news that would soothe the hybrid if he was right out. "No. Jac's not exactly the settling down type I don't think." And then they were back to the subject of the horse. "Guess not, though I don't think I'm all that intimidating," Haven joked. "Maybe he does, but not enough to go back. He's never tried to run away on me." Though that did make him think if anyone else in the pack would try to get horses. It would probably do Drogon good to have some company of his own kind.


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