everyone must find a place
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v515/ ... ryban2.jpg); background-position: top center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

No worries Smile 300+

The animosity between wolves and coyotes here was like nothing she had ever seen before and something she found hard to grasp. Savina was not one to hold a prejudice against any particular group or species. She judged people on their own terms and individually. There was only one coyote in these lands that she considered an enemy, and while he did belong to the clan that Jael was a part of, she did not lump the rest of them into that category. Anselm, while he had still been here had been a friend and she had grown incredibly close to his daughter. Some here must have been taught to hate from their youngest days, that was the only explanation she could find. She found that hatred was often passed down, at least hatred of such potency and ignorance.

He hadn't met Ryan, but he said that he was also very new to these lands. She nodded in acknowledgment. "I see. Well she's very nice, one of the nicest people I know in fact. I wish we could see each other more often, but I'm sure you understand that can be difficult." Undoubtedly he had experienced how some of his fellow clanmembers felt, even if he did not share those feelings (which as far as she could tell, he didn't). It wasn't as if she were welcome near Inferni in the first place, being a wolf, but after what had occurred between her and Hybrid she didn't dare travel there. Unfortunately that meant that she seldom got to see her good friend.

"I'm from Crimson Dreams. It's not far from here, just a little to the east," she said motioning in that direction. "It's very nice there, peaceful." It was a peaceful existence that she strove to lead. While she had her problems with her anger at times, generally she was a calm and laid back wolf, preferring to spend time with her mate and family and friends then anything else.


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