remember when it rained
I hope you don't mind Hemming popping in. Big Grin Beautiful post!


Hemming was starting to get used to being completely drenched. His legs picked up the extra weight with little trouble, and he had figured out at what intervals he should blink to keep the rain out of his eyes and running instead down the curve of his eyelids. The moisture was rather pleasant, more so than the oppressive heat of the last few weeks, and the gray wolf maintained a small smile on his lips. The rain didn't seem bother his Spirit Guide, Dagrun, either, and she chirped wildly each time a particularly impressive bolt of lightning freed itself from the sky. The little bird kept watch from her perch on the top of the wolf's head, huddled close to his fur to maintain a little pillow of warmth.

To say the clouds were ominous would be inaccurate; it was one single cloud, stretched across the great sky. With all the rumbling it was doing, Hemming felt a little as if he must be in a giant stomach, and in a moment like many he had experienced before he could imagine how all the ancient human myths had been inspired. He wondered what they might have said on a day like today. A god had swallowed Earth, and now all the creatures must traverse the digestive tract, in its perilous twists and turns..? Hemming twisted his mouth a little; that wasn't nearly as epic as he had hoped.

Though the lightning clearly didn't upset Dagrun at all, it stirred a little nervousness in Hemming. Taller than the wild grasses he was walking through, and taller than most everything around, he felt a little threatened by it. He was relieved when he reached the edge of a vast, thick forest, and stepped gratefully into the shelter it provided. As the rain tapped on the leaves far above, Hemming picked out rhythms to go along with it, humming them as he walked. The tiny amount of light that illuminated the gray sky barely penetrated to the forest floor, and the wolf wandered in near darkness, his hands resting momentarily on tree trunks as he meandered past them.

He wasn't sure how far he had travelled before he stumbled upon a little dwelling in the woods. The wolf slowed to a stop a good distance away, craning his head forward and squinting in an effort to make its form out more clearly. Movement on the porch caught his eye, and he watched for a moment before stepping a little closer so his presence was obvious. "Hello?" he called out gingerly, thinking only after the words had left his mouth that perhaps it would not be a good idea, and might even be dangerous, to intrude.

kat made this! Big Grin

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