the canals of our city
She had yet to master the shift as others had. That left her behind on a number of things. She knew nothing of the human city. Didn't know of any of their things. All she knew was the natural way of the wolf. She had been trying to shift though. She just hadn't accomplished the feat. But it wasn't for a lack of trying. She simply couldn't hold the shape. Plus she looked grotesque in the process and she couldn't stand to see herself that way.

Nod was given as the process was explained. Gaze following along as the compenants were pointed out. It sounded simple enough. But it must not be that simple because the other female still didn't have a fish yet. Maybe the fish weren't awake yet? Carefully she approached the hole and stuck her head down towards it. "Hey fisheys! Wake up! It's time to eat!" Words were called down in hopes to wake the fish. She didn't realize that this might in turn scare them away. As was obvious she knew nothing about fishing.

"Mr. Poer said I am related to a Miss Harry and a Nanacoo in Tears. Then there is another that he doesn't know how to find. A Pooh. I think..." Yeah, she wasn't too good with names. It took her awhile to learn and remember them. Especially if she didn't have a face to put with them. "He doesn't know where my Dad is though. He says that Chimera is gone." And that was the only place that she knew to find her Dad. So far no one knew where to find him. He just seemed to have disappeared all together.

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