don't know if the world will end today.
Aww, I like Kaena. She seems so fierce, but so gentle too.

Watching the older female still, Diavo noticed that the female had taken on an even gentler stance; the friendly arch in her tail and her folded ears symbolizing that maybe she actually was not going to eat her. Relaxing a little more, the pup let out a sigh, attempting to gather her wits about her as she listened to the elder woman. She was sorry for scaring the young one, she gathered, and Diavo was pleased that this female showed concern for the pup's fears. Sweeping her tail faster now, she raised her head to look up at her.

"It's okay, is nice to meet you, Kaah- Kah-ay-nah Lykoi," the words struggled again, but this time it was because her tongue was doing twists over itself trying to pronounce the woman's name. "You scared me, but," she looked over the visitor again without fear. "I think you are nice now. Did I scare you?" She turned her head to the side, a playful tilt that was curious as excitement built up in her young body, wondering if she had possibly invoked fear into someone so much bigger than she.

"I'm Diavo by the way," as she spoke, her nerves relaxed and she felt more at ease with the female. She listened to her last question. Gabriel? Was not he the one who said she could stay? He was certainly nice, and also, not very scary. She had not seen him really since she met him, nor had she seen the other young bronzed male who had met her at the borders in the rain. As she pondered the thought of where she could find either one of them, she remembered that she had been asked a question. "Yes! Gabriel, I know him. He said I could stay here. He is very nice. You raised him well if you really are his mommy." She wagged her tail and pulled her thin black lips back into a friendly smile. She was becoming more and more curious about this older female.

"Do you have anymore children?" she piped out. Her hopes were that maybe there were some pups here her age- she had been very lonely since the attack and longed for someone her age to play with. Enigma, the young male who greeted her, seemed the be just a little too old for chasing and wrestling, but then again, she did not know for sure how old he was. "I don' really have any friends here.." she expelled softly.


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