Heavier Things Remain [aw]
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!! out of character.


She watched as he tore into the meat he had been offered. It felt good to sit beside a stranger that was ignorant to her past. A soft almost delicate smile moved over the she wolfs maw. Yeah we all do. Mine just won't leave me alone." Svara said with an exagerated sigh. She was sure a lot of her problems would die with Haku soul, but Svara wouldn't be the one to seek out his death. The red wolf would take her punishment with pride, since it was the only dignity she had left in that area.

His response made her smirk and laugh ever so slightly. "It's fine. As long as your not here to cause trouble." The she wolf said as her yellow eyes shifted over to him. What if the young wolf wasn't looking for trouble, but for a girl? That thought made the constable think for a second. Who in this pack would be open game for a male suiter? When he said his name is drug her from her thoughts and she nodded. His name was dulcet and match him well from what she could see. "Well Heath that also means you shouldn't be bothering the girls either." Svara said with a knowing grin. It wasn't like she considered herself one of the "girls".


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