because I have been through hell
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Maybe it wasn't right for any individual to decide who deserved to die and who deserved to live, but Onus wasn't like most people. He had no social biases. He judged others not on the way they looked but their actions. What right did a murderer have to live? If they took the lives of others nothing should protect them from having their own life taken from them. They forfeited that right the moment they spilled another's blood. Rapists were just as bad. If they wanted to take something so personal, something that should only be willingly given, then he would take something from them. More petty crimes such as theft didn't deserve death, and he didn't deal it. But he did make sure that the perpetrators understood the gravity of their wrongdoings.

Vigilante's next words intrigued, even surprised Onus. The man wished for him to fine something...more? To have someone or something worth dying for? Of course the coyote already had that someone. He would give his life for Cwmfen without hesitation or question. But the fact that this man had actually wished for him to have what most would consider a better life too him aback. No one had ever wanted that for him before, especially not some stranger he had only just met. It made the vigilante a little nervous, he was not good at accepting such kindness. "Hrm...yes. Suppose so." Onus felt no need to tell the other he had already found such a thing. The fewer that knew about him and Cwmfen the safer she would be.


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