These killing lights won't kill us all again
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After the first time they had met all those months ago Haven wasn't sure if he and Heath would ever really be friends. The coyish hybrid was so different from him. He had seemed to only understand the darker parts of life while Haven had really only known the light. But it seemed, perhaps, that they had both rubbed off on one another. Haven had gained dark knowledge and Heath, it seemed, was coming around to see some of the light. Maybe they were good for each other that way. One could see what the other couldn't. "Heh, maybe. Maybe they do." The younger male was surprised that there were no teases or taunts thrown his way over still having feelings for the same girl. Heath even seemed, dare he say, pleased about it. "Yeah, same girl," he said with a warm smile. "She left Inferni and is living here now. We share a house down near the beach." It was like a dream.

Haven snickered at Heath's obviously sarcastic comment. "You could try telling that to Jac until the tides reversed and I don't think he'd be convinced." It was not a lifestyle that he agreed with, but as long as no one he cared about got hurt by it, he was willing to turn a blind eye to his King's womanizing ways. None of them were saints here and the collie wouldn't have been able to lead them if he were. At least most of them, Haven of course would have still followed. Drogon leaned forward again and took a hold of the collar of his jacket and pulled playfully. Haven laughed and pushed the stallion's nose. "You goober, you're gonna get it all slobbery!" He straightened the collar back out before responding. "I didn't at first, but once we got to know each other I started to train him. I can ride him now pretty well."


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