Listen to the rain
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Faler stood still just listening to the sounds around her, eyes locked onto the other wolf or dog in the room that had changed it's shape. Faler wasn't sure what she should do. Ears pinned on her wet skull her tail hung dead still behind her, the water dropping onto the floor was over shadowed by the rain outside. The tan female narrowed her eyes on the other female as she spoke, Faler could see her fairly well but it was clear that the girl was cold. Glancing down she didn't even notice her own paw shivering. It might only be the slightly but Faler knew she was cold as well.

Claws clicked on the floor as Faler turned back to the door, using her shoulder and her head she pushed it shut with a click. Now the rain wasn't as loud but the thunder wasn't dulled by it. Breathing Faler could feel the girls uneasiness, she was nervous or maybe uncomfortable, slowly her ears turned as she though to herself about the other person. Faler's voice was smooth but it might have been dark but she doesn't care, speaking she moved to the couch that was a ways from the other female. But she won't turn her back on her. "I got caught in the storm so relax, this packlands isn't my home but I'm guessing it's yours." Pausing Faler looked over her wondering why the girl looked odd."Faler, Faler Cerber is my name." Ears back again she stared at the other one intensely.
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