A loner Comes...
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Note: This is set in Ethereal Eclipse.

She had spent some time wandering around their border area, never crossing it but coming close to it. Naniko had been kicked out of Crimson Dreams, yes, but that didn't mean that she didn't care about her children. Mati and Brooklyn had come to see her, had come to tell her that they (or...at least one of them) wanted to help her. It was wonderful. She wasn't about to stop using her drugs just yet, but she would quit soon enough and then she would go back to her pack and family. Some of them would be waiting with open arms, perhaps.

Maybe she would bring Sabeen with her. Her addicted friend needed a place to live anyway...and Naniko thought she was good company. The werewolf gave a yawn as she looked up at the sky. The sun was directly overhead, meaning that it was around mid-day. She would leave the borders of Crimson Dreams for now and revisit them later to see if her daughters were around.

The alabastor female turned in the opposite direction of her ex-pack, large paws taking her swiftly away from their scent-marked line. It didn't take long for her to catch the scent of another wolf, though, and she stopped ten meters away to speak. "You a loner too?" It was still odd for her to hear aloud, that she was a loner now. She'd been a pack wolf all her life. Green eyes focused on the gray wolf before her as she waited for an answer, taking in the looks of the other. The female in front of her had scars just like Naniko did, though Naniko's were only on her forelegs.


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