sometimes, the sun shines

indent There was something wrong with both of them. Ahren understood that as well as he understood that ever sickening feeling in his gut, the addiction and its reasoning, and that the end of the world could be any day now. He had never been suicidal, but he knew that just a little too much of that morphine and it would be over. Maybe that was why he was smiling, even though he barely felt himself doing it. “I did,” he offered, taking a deep breath of smoke. “Things went wrong. After Matinee left, I lost it. In the end, Mab told me to leave. She told me not to come back until I sorted myself out.” He had never told anyone, not Misery, not his children, that truth. It worried him, vaguely, that he trusted Laruku that much.
indent Folding his ears back slightly, the blonde breathed in smoke. “But I don’t need her anymore,” he said quietly, aware he had simply traded one addiction for another.


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