A dog's life

Asariel listened to him. West, huh? She nodded. She liked the west -- then again she was from south west from Nova Scotia, which is where they were now. "The west, hm? I'm from the west as well. Well, it's more South West from where we are now." She said, looking up at Lysander with inquiring green eyes. Hundreds, hm? She found that hard to believe, only because she had never seen such a number in her life. She had no doubt Ly's clan had been that large, though. "My clan wasn't all that large. Very small actually compared to what yours was. We only had about twenty five in our ranks and it was dwindling. Some kind of disease was wiping them out. I escaped before I got sick." She explained, then she suddenly wondered why she was volunteering this information to him. He was still a stranger to her, even though she'd been talking to him over the course of almost two hours.

"How much longer are you gonna sit there and talk with a fool like me?" He said with a grin, catching her completely off guard. She stared up at him, momentarily wondering if he wanted to be rid of her company. Well, if he wanted to be rid of it, he should have told her to leave! But, as she watched him, her small bout of anger disappeared. "However long you wish to talk to a fool like me." She said, smirking and crossing her arms over her chest. She briefly wondered what he thought of her -- did he like her, or was she just a thorn in his side? She reasoned that he must like her, if not just a little bit, or else he would not still be here talking to her. Stupid misreadings.


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