stray dog strut
[html]Big Grin Short, cause I gotta get going to the lake!

i welcome the sun, the clouds and rain

Warren set the hare down gently and watched as its tawny body slowly stopped jerking and twitching. Licking some of the blood from his lips, he contemplated his options. He could eat the whole thing now or take it back to the shack and cook it, saving more for later. Both had their benefits, but he decided, with a quick glance up at the darkening sky, to make a meal of the small hare now. He didn't see much appeal in bringing home a soggy hare.
Just as he was about to rip open the small animal, however, a figure came slowly into the clearing, and so did the scent of claimed territory. In fact, Warren immediately noticed the scent all around him. He lifted his eyebrows in surprise. How could he have been so careless as to wander so close to pack lands? Mentally chiding himself, Warren reclined his dark ears and lowered his head in a bow to the likewise blue-eyed female. She didn't look particularly threatening and she was quite a bit smaller than he was, but Warren still put himself on guard. People got crazy when their borders were threatened. He knew from experience.
Without giving an outward sign of his wariness, the gray wolf smiled politely at the woman. "I seem to have intruded very close to your borders, miss," he said softly, his deep voice laced with an eclectic North American accent.


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