The ugly duckling

Apologies for the delay, I'm getting back into the swing of things again. O_x 500+


The red-wolf absolutely wished she had the opportunity to have her own mother, Mischka, around again. She missed her mother so, although Asha could certainly say that the heartache that Dawali felt for his deceased mate was certainly greater than her own pain. Still, Asha missed her just as intensely. Mischka was in existance to Asha for only a short time, most of which Asha couldn't really seem to remember much of her except precious, cherished moments spent. Apparently, Asha was something of an almost reincarnation of her mother. Her personality was sociable, strong willed, and defiant. Dawali stated many times before that Asha (and also in a sense, Aiyanna as well) were the only two things in this world that lingered about Mischka. The very thought of Mischka made tears want to prick at the back of her eyes, but knowing of the wishes and the temperament that her mother held, Mischka wouldn't want them to shed tears about her. She would have wanted them to celebrate the life that she lived, and the prosperity of their family lineage to come from her influence.


As the blonde child went into the throes of explaining who her mother was and her own name, Asha couldn't help but chortle a gentle laugh. So Noir was her name, and Tayui Aston was her mother. Asha instantly recognized the name of Tayui, seeing as how Tayui was one of the first founding members of AniWaya in these lands, and Asha had been included in that group as well. Furthermore, with Noir asking if her name and her mother's names were pretty for their like, Asha complied with a smile and head nod. "Yes, your names are very pretty indeed. Noir, it sort of sounds like it has a taste of French to me. Anyways, I actually know something about your mother, Tayui! She was one of the first wolves in the pioneering group to come settle in these lands with the tribe. I honestly didn't have the honor to talk to her back then, but I sure do know who your mother is now." Asha said, hoping now to possibly find some common interest within the girl. "I also have a sister and a father. Do you know who my father is? He looks a lot like myself..." Asha decided to quiz Noir, seeing if the blonde girl happened to know of her direct relation to no other than the Bone Bearer of AniWaya.

Transitioning their focus back upon the duckling again, Asha smiled warmly at Noir's fondless of the duckling. Perhaps the two could develope some sort of lasting relationship with one another, seeing as how it was possible to form a close bond with another species of nature. With her eyebrows raising now as Noir delcared that they had to find a food source for the duckling, Asha nodded at such a request, and her amber eyes momentarily strayed about the scenery around them for these such sources of food. "Well. I'm assuming that maybe the duckling would like a worm or two, maybe even little fish." Asha wasn't entirely certain just what ducklings ate, but seemingly if the duckling was that hungry, it might as well just eat whatever was presented to it. "Lets see if we can find some ground insects. Worms, maybe even little fish somewhere, yes? Would you like to help?" Asha offered to Noir, and of course the pup would comply.

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