light in a darkened world

Super mucho apologies for my delay, I'm finally getting back into the swing of things over here. And, god, I absolutely LOVE that table you have there. So gorgeous. 300+


There were a series of continuous chills racing down her spine. There was something so different and eerie about this region that it made her natural zestful wanderlust burst with going in the castle and seeing what hid amongst the shadows, but then again there was this recoiling fear simmering within her to remain rather cautious on approaching this place. Aidan was just as spirited, wiley, and unruly as she was sometimes, but in this instance, the equine didn't want to have anything to do with what laid before him. The very region itself made the equine nervous, with his head swaying to and fro to observe the atmosphere around him, and giving several series of apprehensive neighs to Asha to alert her that he didn't want to be here. "Well, too bad." Asha spoke to her steed, not in a rude manner but one that spoke of firmness. "We're not about to leave for even a second. I doubt nothing will happen. This place is probably centuries old. Relax, Aidan." She spoke to her horse, patting her hand on his muzzle. To Aidan, her words didn't seem so reassuring, and he would remain a little apprehensive as it was.

It was then a presence made itself known, to which both Asha and Aiden immediately turned their heads in the direction of the source of noise. Thankfully the approaching female didn't decide to drop in on short notice, or Aidan probably would have took off running as fast as his hooves could go, and Asha probably would have been chasing right after him. The woman was drab in ebony, dark as the scenery here. But with her carried something of a friendly tone, and a friendly appearance. Asha raised a hand to wave and acknowledge to her, actually glad to see someone else decided to make their ways here. "Hey there! You wouldn't happen to know what this place is called, would you?" Perhaps the dark female would be able to recite some history about this place.


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