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"Nos," the girl said sadly. "She’s not sick likes Cambi...." Her sister’s condition made the girl sad. She wanted Cambi to not be sad anymore. Maybe that was why Nani had gone away, the young girl mused. Why did Nani hurt Cambi? It didn’t make sense. Amata only knew that it made her sad and scared, because Cambi hadn’t done anything wrong, had she? Was this some sort of punishment? A soft whimper escaped the young girl. Maybe the butterfly toy that she had left her would help her sister to feel better. Amata didn’t know that this was not a normal sadness, and thought that their stuffed butterfly friend would make it all better like it usually did.

"I dons knows," Amata admitted quietly with a shrug, her eyes turning from her dark brother to the shiny butterfly that fluttered around in the light that filtered through the windows. "Mamma said so." And that seemed to explain everything. A small frown came to the creamy pup’s maw, and she was silent for a few moments before she looked back to her brother. "She said that they are fra-jell and del-ket," she explained carefully, feeling proud that she could use big, grown-up words too. "And she said that fra-jell and del-ket makes them sleeps forevers if we touches them!" Her voice was a whisper now, as if she were telling him some wondrous secret. It all seemed like a very complicated thing, and the little pup definitely didn’t understand it all. She only knew that she had seen it happen when she had played with Cambi outside, and that she and Cambi had been sad because their butterfly friend couldn’t play anymore.

"Have you played with other bugs?" the girl asked suddenly. She remembered how she had played with a stick—that was a fun game. "Or maybe," the girl said suddenly, "wes cans plays hides-gos-seeks—but quietly." The creamy pup didn’t want to wake up her parents or her sister (she always felt better after a nap—maybe Cambi would too). And she didn’t want Gotham to make the butterfly sleep forever. So maybe they could play a different game together! The house was quiet and still dimly lit, and that made games fun to play. Her tail wagged happily behind her.


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