sail me on a silver sun


It was likely the rain would keep many inside their houses or dens today, but despite the excess water the weather was quite lovely. The warmth of summer remained as a faint ghost, obscured by the coolness of the rain but there nonetheless. Hemming found it quite a wonderful balance, and was quite pleased to be out and about. It was fortunate that Rath didn't mind the rain either, or Hemming might have stood in front of the strange structure for who knows how long trying to figure out what it was. He was always happy to meet someone knew, as well, and the carpenter seemed to have a very friendly demeanour. Hemming smiled and nodded when Henratha gave him his nickname, and filed that away in his mind.


In the few seconds before Rath explained his work, Hemming's amber eyes drifted back to the panes of glass. He wondered where the glass might have been collected from; as far as the scrawny wolf knew, it took a lot of power and heat to actually make it. Would the wolves one day have the manufacturing power to become independent from using the things the humans had made? This carpenter was part way there, as Hemming was sure that he could make a house if he really wanted to, but there was still wood that needed to be cut and nails that had to be cast. The humans had had thousands of years, though, and the wolves were just beginning.


As the other spoke of what he was making, an elated feeling burgeoned in Hemming's chest. He felt like exclaiming an 'oh!', the purpose of the structure so now clear and so evident, but withheld it, only a wide grin betraying his pleasure. "That is so clever!" he declared, not removing his eyes from the greenhouse, when Rath had finished speaking. He was surprised to hear that it was the first one that he had made; it looked extraordinarily professional. "I am mightily impressed. It doesn't look like it's a first try." A wide grin still pulled across his lips, he moved his gaze back to the carpenter.

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