light in a darkened world
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It's ok! And thank you! ^^ 300+

It was always good to meet new people. Well, perhaps not always. There were plenty of unpleasant folks about that she would be happy to never encounter. Kansas' half brother had been one of them. Ugh! The nerve of that guy! But honestly her unpleasant encounters had been few and far between. There were very few she had met since coming here that she did not enjoy the company of. At least one from every pack or clan if she remembered correctly. The only one she knew from the tribe however was her sister-in-law Ember. Pilot had been there for a time, but then he had traveled south to find his long lost family. It would be good to meet someone else from the neighboring group.

As she finally closed the rest of the distance between her and the femme with her horse a wide smile was on her maw. One hand went to brush the wavy bangs from her face. "What it's called? Well, I don't know the formal name of it, aside from it being a castle. The humans used to live in them a very, very long time ago. Only for the nobility though. Have you never been here before? I've only come once myself." Savina could sense a nervous air coming from the equine. Was he spooked by something? That wouldn't do, perhaps she could help belay any fears the girl's companion harbored. "No reason to worry though, I never found any ghosts or evil spirits," she said with a playful wink. She didn't believe in such things. They were the stuff of pups' stories, though she knew there were some who did.

"I'm Savina Marino, from the Crimson Dreams pack." It would be rude to carry on any further without introductions. Once they were all acquainted then they could venture inside.


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