remember when it rained

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Let me show you the wonders of life

She hated the rain, especially when it came down like this, in a heavy downpour, instead of just a drizzle. The lighter the rain, the better it clung to her fur and the easier it was to shake off. This deluge cut right through the protective guard hairs and drenched her soft underfur. She was shivering by this point, as was Tobias, perched as he was on her right shoulder. Gathering him onto her hand, she spoke softly to him. Toby, go find some sort of shelter. We can't stay out in this; we need to find a place to dry off.

He launched off her hand and flew off. Hanna picked up her pace, her satchels slapping against her thighs, her mismatched eyes raised to his feathered form. The lightning crackled across the sky, a leitmotif that just kept happening over and over. Each strike seemed nearer and nearer and the thunder boomed ominously. Finally the Hanna pulled up as a cabin loomed up, seeming for all the world to be like the one she'd been forced to leave in Dahlia territory.

Tobias was perched on the back of a rocking chair, which was creaking quietly under his clawed grip. Hanna's eyes cast about the porch, and while she thought she saw a wolf, she couldn't be sure. She raised her voice above the storm to call out to.. whoever might be there. Safety be damned, she needed out of the wet. Hello?!


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