Forget About It Tomorrow
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I fail. 300+

Gotham missed the sunshine. The last bit of sun had been so long ago! The constant pounding of rain on the windows and the gray sky outside the house were enough to make anyone unhappy; he wondered if the rain was causing Cambria to feel even sadder. Even Dad seemed a little more down than usual. Why couldn't it be sunny? The dark boy slipped out of his family's room, heading toward the stairs. Once he saw the long flight of giant steps, his tail began to wag; he loved going down the stairs. He used to be afraid that he would fall, but now he'd mastered them. He still had to take the steps one-by-one, but he could do so with little hesitancy. He hummed a tune as he descended, his voice soft. "Hmm da dum, hmm hmm."

Finally he was on the ground floor. Gotham moved through the living room, trying not to look at the bad rain outside the windows. He was going to attempt to jump up on the couch, a skill he'd been trying to get don for the past few days. But a rustling in the kitchen made him pause before he could leap, his oversized ears rising. He crouched and stalked behind the couch, trying to suppress his boyish laughter. Whoever it was exited the kitchen and he heard her move into the living room. The couch creaked slightly as she sat down, and Gotham heard the rustling of papers. He slipped around the side of the couch, waited a moment, and leapt out in front to face Mati. "BOO!" he exclaimed triumphantly, his face twisted into the most ferocious snarl he could muster.


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