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Ty again laughed when she fell back in, he hadn't meant to startle her, but in his defense, she should be more aware of her surroundings. To answer her question, he placed both of his arms up on the sides and stared up at the night sky, his eyes darting around to all the little balls of light in the sky. "Well, I was just taking a midnight stroll when I found this wonderful little hot spring, and decided I might as well take a dip." He said with a smile. "I might tell others about it, perhaps this can become a great hangout spot." He chuckled as he sank a little more into the water, relaxing even more.

However, she then asked him about the wounds, a typical question nowadays. It had been a while since he fought that puma, but it still had left it's mark on him, still echoed through his mind, but not in the way that most would imagine. Ty remembered the fight vividly, and remembered many of the critical moves that resulted in his victory. Somewhere deep down, he enjoyed that fight a little too much, and it bothered him, he'd always enjoyed a fight, but was that a good thing? Ty had been contemplating that in his head for a long time now, but he snapped out of it and answered her questions. "Well, my wounds are much better now, especially the paw, it feels as good as new. However, I know a few of these are going to scar, a few tooth wounds on my paw will remain, along with this scratch on my chest, the cougar really dug me there."

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