the song remains the same
ooc: Xeris has heard of Jefferson but doesn't know what he looks like and hasn't met him yet, so she may seem a little ignorant here. Yay meetings.

Xeris had been walking about, exploring the packlands some more, when she suddenly heard a piercing howl. She wondered if someone was in trouble. Or was it someone calling for attention? When she'd first arrived in Phoenix Valley, Xeris had howled to get the attention of a leader. It had been DaVinci. Thinking about DaVinci, Xeris realized that she hadn't seen the wolf in a while. She'd heard a bit about what he'd been up to from Rendall and Anya, but as of late their news of him had begun to cease. Pushing these thoughts from her mind, she decided to find the source of the howl.

It was not long before she spotted the one-eyed wolf standing alone. He didn't appear to be in any trouble. Xeris had never seen him before. She decided to approach him anyway, curious as always. "Hello," she said softly. "Was it you who howled a moment ago?" The white wolf looked over this unfamiliar male. Something seemed different about him. He had an air of power and responsibility. The numerous scars upon his body made Xeris frown; he had obviously been through a lot. The tinge of red along her own body was a reminder that such terrible things could happen. She decided, however, that it would be best not to interfere with this wolf's privacy too much; a simple introduction would be best.

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