the song remains the same
Ty sighed as he awoke to the loud howl of another wolf, by the sound of it, must have been important. Ty had been napping underneath a tree, as he had snacked on a bird. Lumbering to his feet, he held his head high and tried to judge where the howl had come from, to which he quickly deciphered it's direction and slowly lumbered his way there. Of course, this was probably important, but Ty nevertheless took his sweet, sweet time. He wondered what it was that brought them together, nothing ridiculously urgent, the howl didn't sound like it was a life or death situation. Perhaps a simple get together or dinner with the pack or something, Ty didn't quite know for sure, but he was more then willing to go find out himself.

When Ty got to the clearing, he saw two wolves that he knew very well, and one that he didn't know at all. Jefferson was there, of course, the big, tall, brutish cyclops he was. Ty definitely put on a smile for him, as respect and admiration for his elder and former role model, perhaps it was he who called this meeting into order. He then saw Xeris, the wonderful white coated girl that she was, her fur shining blindingly in the sunlight. His tail wagged like an excited dog, two of his favorite people here? This could certainly be some kind of celebration, and what a great thing that would be. But then he noticed the third wolf, who was this person? A strange tan colored wolf with different colored eyes, she definitely smelled of Pheonix Valley, but why hadn't Ty met her? She must be one of the more reclusive members of the pack, Ty realized there were a lot of those. More than half the pack were dedicated loners and non-social creatures, but maybe she came for whatever was here as well.

Ty winced as he felt the scar on his chest acting up again, forcing him to clench his teeth slightly as he came into view. Pushing away the small bite of the wound, he pulled up a light grin and bounded over to where Jefferson stood. Colliding playfully with the large brute, he spoke up with general charm and well mannered grace. "Hey Jefferson!" He said to the leader. "And hello to you too Xeris....what's the commotion about? Who howled? Are we going on a hunt or something? Maybe just a meeting?"

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