he's stolen hearts like they're horses
http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee19 ... m/ss_t.png); background-position: top center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

The sun was glorious. After so much time of nothing but gloomy clouds and rain, Strel was overjoyed at being able to run about without having to find cover for the water that seemed to simply crash from the sky. He took the advantage of the wonderful light and explore more of the territory around his home. Pack life was fun and all, but he wanted to go out and see sights he'd never seen before. That was probably why he found himself on the outskirts of a magnificent yellow field of flowers of the sun. They seemed to glow at the golden orb in the sky. Strelein decided they were as happy as he was that the clouds had gone for the day.

Refusing to send a glance away from the flowers that lay before him, the redhead slipped amongst them. He couldn't help but feel as though he were swimming in a sea of sunshine. It was so bright that he almost failed to look up in time to see another beast roaming through the plants. A grin, larger than the one that was always on his lips, wrapped around his maw. He eyed the other up and down, knowing from the distance it was no female. Raising a hand to wave, Strelein suddenly disappeared beneath the ocean of gold. His body hit the ground with an audible thud. His elbows stung with the impact, but he simply sat up, rubbing at them.

He rose, wiping away leaves of a sunflower he had crushed with his none too graceful fall. Well now there was an empty area that was carpeted with ruined flowers. The young wolf bent over and picked up one that had only snapped from the stem. Waving it towards the other male in the field, he called out, "Hey you! Hey! Hi! Well that couldn't fail to get his attention; it was certainly loud enough.


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