he's stolen hearts like they're horses

The twitter of birds was fairly loud, and Hemming didn't hear the rummaging in the sunflowers behind him. He did hear the thump and a brief rustling, however, and turned his head to look over the scene. No one appeared to be around, and after a few moments of staring he turned his head back and continued walking, slowly, through the flowers. The dull noise had pulled him from his daydreaming, and he was more alert now. It was possible that the sound had just been a particularly clumsy bird landing in the dirt to pick at the insects that swarmed in the damp space between the soil and the leaves of the sunflowers, or some other hefty creature. There were few other things that Hemming could think of that would fit the profile of the noise, and though he didn't think it could be anything dangerous he was unable to pass it off and return completely to his dreamworld. Even if there was something friendly out there, he would like to know. Company was always a pleasure to have.

When he heard some more stirring, he turned his head again. Just before he spotted the other wolf, his call came out. Hemming grinned widely at the friendly greeting, and at the waving implement, and lifted his hand to wave back. It certainly wasn't as dramatic as waving a sunflower around, but for now it would do. The gray wolf made his way over to the other, stepping through rows upon rows of the great golden flowers. How fortunate he was, unable to find a spot to sit and carve, to have someone else spot him and want some attention. As he walked, he called back, "Hello!" the grin still plastered across his face. This wolf certainly seemed energetic, a quality most suitable for a day like today.

kat made this! Big Grin

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