pulling life's trigger
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!! out of character.


Her heart roared in her chest. Her brother, it was really him stand there right in front of her. Svara felt like everything she had ever believed was just a dream, that it was all gone and she had woke up from her nightmare. A grin slid onto her features. Stepping forward slowly at first she took another and then another until she was rushing towards him and wrapped her arms around his strong neck and her lips were pressed against his. The burning rage on and Svara sighed. It was like part of herself had been found. The she wolfs grip tightened around Zacks neck not wanting to let him go.

She didn't think about what he said, or anything that came out of his mouth. No only the taste of him against her maw and the feeling of completeness she was getting as he was pressed against her. To her this was how you expressed love. This was how she knew how to. For her there was no other way to express her joy. Svara didn't let him go as she pressed herself closer to him and kissed him, even if he wasn't trying to kiss her back. The red she wolf's perceptions of love were tainted beyond repair.


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