The Night Starts Here

<3 !!!

This was true, things always seemed to work out for those in the stories she had been told, and the few books she had read. But why couldn’t things turn out that way? Were they so different then the characters of the written page? Yes of course there were the obvious differences, but were they not souls trapped in a life that was met with hardships, accented with the pleasantries of love and friendship? Mati tried to believe that they could each have their own happy ending.
“Even they have lessons to learn, mistakes to make, and their epic battles to fight.” Violet eyes looked at the male, a soft smile on her face.
“Would there be any other gods you would appease?” She asked, her smile lost as she wondered what troubled him so much to look to a god that could only bring death.

She looked at the manor as he did, her features softening as he spoke. Mati knew he would like the library, and was not surprised that he hadn’t lived in a house like Haven Manor. Though his next words did surprise her.
“No.” The young woman said with a tinge of that surprise in her voice.
“Everyone has what they need, and ask if they need to borrow anything.” Mati had never been the victim of thievery nor had the urge to steal herself. He didn’t steal did he? Mati could imagine the male taking anything that didn’t belong to him, he didn’t have that in him. Right?

Her smile returned as he gave his own, brushing the grass from his coat. His breath cast blades towards her, floating on the night’s breeze and bringing blades to her nose. Mati laughed at the tickle in her nose and sneezed.


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