I believe in the world right in front of me

Anu savored the small chill that her toes received from the lapping waters. Her eyes fell closed and she felt for the first time that day that she could finally breathe, and she had yet to begin to swim. She smiled wide as the little pup spoke, and blue eyes looked down at the pale Sadira girl began to splash in the lake’s waves. The water flew through the air, hitting her legs and chest. Anu laughed, watching her roll in the shallows. “Hmm. Me too.” She agreed. Swimming was certainly nice when the weather matched today’s. But Anu could not help but notice that her companion was not enjoying the lake to its fullest.

Stepping further into the lake Anu let the waters rise around her legs. “Maybe a little deeper Amata?” Anu asked with the same patience the little one had just given her. A soft smile, looking back at the duel colored eyes. “Then you can really swim.” The lake was calm, and Anu confident that the little pup would be able to swim once the instinct kicked in. She pushed herself into the water, letting buoyancy take over and feeling her body float.


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