the song remains the same
Geneva emerged from the ranch with careful steps. She had been thinking, something that wasn't out of character for her. But her deep thoughts had been interrupted by the sound of a howl splitting the air. She instantly recognized the voice that belonged to Jefferson and hastened her steps. It was not usual for him to call the pack together, preferring to spend time to himself. She was curious to see who would show up, and why he had called the meeting together. She could discern from the tone of the howl that his business was not urgent, but curiosity propelled the gray-furred woman forward.

Jefferson would always spur her curiosity, she suspected. Although the woman had only spent a small fraction of her life as part of Phoenix Valley, she could not imagine her life any differently. Things would inevitably change, and she would change with them if she wanted to survive. But at the moment, she was very happy. Things were coming to a head, for her. She continued to work hard within the pack, learning new things and gaining new responsibilities, and she had finally confessed her feelings for Jefferson. And he hadn't rejected her. She still found it strange that his feelings mirrored her own, but she would not question that gift.

She came upon the small gathering and her lime green eyes jumped to each face. She was glad to see Ty and smiled in his direction. There were a lot of faces she did not recognize, and the Nuncio was resolved to solve that problem. She made a point to note each individual and would try to speak to each of them later. The woman's face lit up when she looked at Jefferson. The smile that spread her face was different, something solely inspired by and meant for him. She dipped her head in respect for him and decided to stay among the small crowd of others, waiting for Jefferson or someone else to speak.

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