Live, I wanna live inspired

He stood before the door, a frown on his face as he thought deeply. In his mind the male concocted a plan for if someone other then the female he sought answered the door. He would ask if she was home, politely and as a gentleman. Jac would surely let her come to the door, at least he hoped. But the male’s scent was not as dominant here as Svara’s and of course Ruri’s. Heath sensed he wasn’t around, but that still left the Constable. Breathing calmly, the male waited, beginning to wonder if the cabin was empty. Heath would find it the most embarrassing, but also saw the humor in it. He smiled at his own antics, and was about to laugh at the foolishness when he heard a noise coming from within the cabin. Standing strait the shaggy looking male took a deep breath and watched the door open.

The young female walked into the light that poured through the doorway. It illuminated her face, making her pale features glow. Her water like eyes cast over him, and his gold watched them as the searched for his voice. “I didn’t mean to wake you.”, he apologized, with a light voice. He was sorry indeed, but the happiness of her presence overshadowed any guilt. He took the moment she spoke to watch her, his eyes remaining on her face, taking in her expression. She told so much just by the looks that played on her face, there was honesty and Heath believed she hid nothing from him. She seemed tired, but as her eyes blinked she wore a refreshed and even excited looked.

“Yes.” he answered immediately. He wanted to see where she lived, wanted to see everything. He would have been willing to watch over her if all she wished to do was return to her nap. He move slightly forward while she continued to speak and Heath felt the weight of the bag he held. “Oh, no.” He remembered the reason for his visit, not that he had needed one for his own sake. “Would you sit outside with me?” The male asked, placing his hand just beside hers in hopes of holding it and leading her to a place for them to sit. “I have something for you.”


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