pulling life's trigger
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!! out of character.


Her face was buried into his chest, his scent take over her mind. All this time and now her past had caught up with her. Sure Sabeen had shown up, but the women was so far insane it wasn't as if she was the same exact women. When he spoke about their father Svara suddenly was taken back in time. When her father stood there and told her to convince him. At first she had wondered what he meant, but he had told her showed her.

The red she wolf looked up at her brothers strong face, his yellow eyes as sharp and deadly as her own. Leaning into him she pushed up on her tip toes to whisper in his ear. "Are you proud of me?" She whispered into his aud. What would he do? Would he reward her? Svara saw her father everytime she looked at her brother. "Stop calling me that. My name is Svara don't call me fucking sister." She growled into his ear as she went back down to her normal height.

Pulling back out of his hold completly Svara bared her teeth at him. "She is no mother of mine! I would only dream of accepting one women as my mother! That fucking hag is not my mother!" The constable roared at him. Still she burned she didn't want to leave his hold. She was disgusting, she knew it, but even if she was she felt complete when she was breathing in his scent. "Your a fool! I watched as she took your young body and started to tear into it! As she ate Odinas! If you call that mother I would die before I call you brother!" Svara growled as she turned to walk away. Her body burned if cried to go back to him, to breath in that scent.

Her yellow eyes went to Leroy only once. The constables body shook and she turned away. "Zack Thames you may stay in Cour Des Miracles, but you are no releavtive of mine.....not while you call my fathers killer mother." She growled.


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