I believe in the world right in front of me
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Amata made happy sounds as she played with the water, barking and laughing and squealing with delight. The water was more than refreshing, and it gave her more energy, which she used to run around and chase the water that always seemed to escape her. The creamy girl stopped suddenly when Anu spoke. "Deepers?" The blue and green eyes looked to Anu, watching as the adult proceeded further into the lake. The thought had never occurred to her before, and it was an interesting idea, she thought. Lowering her muzzle to the moving lake, she took several large gulps. But, suddenly, as she watched Anu move into the deeper water, Anu seemed to float! Her head lifted as she watched with awestruck eyes. Wow, she wanted to do that too! "Okays!" Suddenly, the little girl was convinced that this was a very good idea.

"Woah!" The ground seemed to fall away from beneath her, and the water tried to swallow her up. Suddenly everything was very scary, and the pup gave a sudden, shrill scream as her head went beneath the waterline. Thrashing frantically, the pup turned her body about and found the ground again. With a great relief that she had never felt before, the creamy pup pulled herself back to where she could stand, running as fast as the water allowed her, for she felt very heavy now. Turning back, she looked with wild eyes to Anu, her pose very stiff as she stood with all four legs planted firmly on the ground. "I don’ts wanna goes over theres," the small pup murmured, her lip sticking out with a little pout. It was scary and deep over there, and she didn’t float like ducks or leaves did. She shook her head defiantly and sat down in the shallow water, content to stay where the sun still heated her. And yet, at the same time, she wanted to go where Anu was going. She wanted to float too.


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